
Tran Vinh Linh

Faculty Member


Fields of Interest: Dr. Tran Vinh Linh’s research interest is Combinatorial probability with a focus on topics such as spectral properties of random matrices, random graph/hypergraph theory, and additive number theory. 


Ph.D. 2011, Rutgers University, USA 


  • 2011-2014, University of Washington, USA 
  • 2016-2017, Yale University, USA 


Dr. Tran Vinh Linh is a Vietnamese mathematician with a passion for Liberal Arts education. He is interested in Applied mathematics with a focus on Applied Probability. He has done research in Random matrix and random graph theory which resulted in publications with high citation. He supervised undergraduate students in various projects with topics in Applied Graph theory, Financial Mathematics, and Stochastic simulation. 

Dr. Linh’s teaching goal is to make Math friendly and accessible to everyone. His courses are designed with active learning activities where students can have hands-on experience with mathematical modeling and understand the true ideas behind complicated formulas. He is looking for motivated and creative students who are willing to try new things and take on challenging research topics. 


  • Linear Algebra 
  • Discrete Mathematics 
  • Introduction to Data Analysis 
  • Quantitative Reasoning in the Digital Age 

Select Publications:  

L. Tran, V. Vu, and K. Wang Sparse random graphs: Eigenvalues and eigenvectors, Random Structures and Algorithms, Vol. 42, Issue 1, 110-134, 2013. (142 citations) 

G. Brito, I. Dumitriu, S. Ganguly, C. Hoffman, L. Tran, Recovery and Rigidity in a Regular Stochastic Block Model, Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA), 2016. (25 citations) 

L. Tran, Local law for eigenvalues of random regular bipartite graphsBulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society, Vol. 43, Issue 2, 1517-1526, 2020. (13 citations) 

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