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Our Mission

Our Mission:
Reshaping Vietnam’s future

The mission of Fulbright University Vietnam is to inspire new generations of leaders and ambitious thinkers of diverse origin to serve Vietnamese society and contribute to a better world. As Vietnam’s first liberal arts university, founded on the promise of Vietnamese-American partnership, we practice and teach continuous innovation in pursuit of bold, ethical answers to local and global challenges. Our design for academic programs of exceptional quality embraces scientific, social, and humanistic modes of inquiry and action, optimized for a dynamic and impatient future.

“We must dare to think ‘unthinkable’ thoughts. We must learn to explore all the options and possibilities that confront us in a complex and rapidly changing world.”

Our Vision:
Becoming Asia’s educational leader

In 25 years, Fulbright University Vietnam will be the top choice for students in Vietnam and across Asia. Our students will represent the full regional, disciplinary, socio-economic and gender diversity we deeply value.

Supported by world-renowned faculty, our students will engage in research, internships and student organizations in Vietnam and across the globe. In turn, they will pursue opportunities in the world’s best companies and graduate programs.

As our students thrive, Vietnamese higher education will adapt alongside us, increasingly integrating student-centered pedagogy and liberal arts approaches. Vietnamese youth will become more effective change-makers and leaders to tackle 21st-century challenges.

Our Difference:
Bridging the professional gap

Vietnam faces a disconnect between its educational priorities and the demand for skilled employees. While Vietnamese students perform well on standard academic tests, employers consistently report that students lack the skills needed to excel, as reflected in the high unemployment rate of college graduates.

Fulbright University Vietnam strives to close the gap between higher education and Vietnam’s greatest needs.

We built upon the effective public policy training of our graduate programs to launch Vietnam’s first not-for-profit, independent, liberal arts undergraduate program.

Together, our undergraduate and graduate programs reimagine the university in Vietnam, building the next generation of Vietnamese leaders equipped with the skills to tackle global challenges.


Our Core Values:
Defining the Fulbright character

Our diversity brings us together

Fulbright University Vietnam celebrates and draws strength from diversity, which we define broadly.

We’re dedicated to building a pluralistic learning community that in its composition reflects the diversity of Vietnam and the world.

Our commitment to diversity is rooted in our respect for individual dignity and in our dedication to fostering mutual understanding.

We believe engaging with those whose identities, life experiences, and beliefs are different from ours is a defining feature of a transformative education. It’s also an essential prerequisite for responsible national and global citizenship.

At Fulbright, students, faculty and staff work together to understand, appreciate and grow from each other’s viewpoints and unique perspectives.


Our Integrity and Transparency

At Fulbright University Vietnam, we are committed to upholding the highest standards of transparency and integrity across all facets of our institution. This dedication is reflected in our comprehensive policies, designed to ensure a respectful, equitable, and inclusive environment for our community. These guidelines serve as the cornerstone of our academic and administrative practices, reinforcing our mission to foster ethical leadership and global citizenship.  

Code of Ethical Conduct 

The policy sets forth the general principles to which all members of Fulbright must adhere to uphold the reputation and integrity of Fulbright.  

Download our Code of Ethical Conduct

Discrimination and Harassment Policy

This policy responds to Fulbright’s responsibility to prevent discrimination and harassment, to provide procedures to handle complaints, to resolve problems, and to remedy situations when a violation of this Policy occurs.

Download the policy

Fulbright Honor Code 

The honor code is a major part of life at university. It is a statement addressing issues in academic and student life. 

Read our Honor Code

Student Code of Conduct  

The policy sets forth provisions to promote and protect the health, safety, welfare, property and rights of all members of Fulbright community. This covers the University intervention, resolution options and disciplinary actions related to students and University-affiliated student organizations. 

Read our Student Code of Conduct 

Code of Academic Integrity 

The policy describes conduct that violates academic integrity, disciplinary sanctions, the applicable procedure for students 

Read our Code of Academic Integrity 

Privacy Policy Student Records 

The policy covers the privacy principles, and the rights and responsibilities of individuals and departments within the University, to ensure the privacy of the students’ information 

Download the policy  

Student Complaint Policy  

If a student is either dissatisfied with the outcome of the Informal Resolution; or declined to engage with Informal Complaint options, they may elect to raise a complaint by submitting a Formal Complaint with Student Affairs & Services within fourteen (14) calendar days of:

a. Receiving the outcome of their informal complaint; or
b.The matter of complaint first arising, where the Complainant reasonably considers Local. Resolution is inappropriate.

A student may also submit a Formal Complaint if the issue involved is too complex or serious or systemic for informal resolution.

Download the policy

Academic Policy 

The policy provides rules and principles relating students at Fulbright: their Enrollment to, Grading, Academic Standing, Dismissal, Attendance or Leave of Absence or Withdrawal from the University. 

Download the policy 

Transfer Credit Policy 

The policy covers the procedures of transfer credits, the responsiblities of the parties involved in granting transfert credit at Fulbright. 

Download the policy 

Audit Policy 

The policy provides general requirements, procedures to the parties involved in auditing Undergraduate courses at Fulbright. 

Download the policy 


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