Academic Team

Nguyen Nam


Fields of Interest: Cultural Studies, Translation Studies, and Conceptual History (with a focus on Vietnam and East Asia) 

Education: Ph.D. 2005, Harvard University, USA 


Nguyễn Nam is a founding faculty member of the Fulbright University Vietnamnow in charge of the Vietnam Studies Major of the school.  He served as a senior lecturer at the University of Social Sciences and Humanities (USSH), Vietnam National University in Ho Chi Minh City from 1986 to April 2018, and as the USSH’s former Chairperson of the Division of East Asian Studies (1993-1994), and Division of Chinese Studies (2010-2012).   

Nguyễn has also conducted his research in East Asian countries, such as Japan (as a Visiting Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, 2016-2017; as a research fellow of the Japan Foundation’s Asia Center, June to August 2018; and as a visiting scholar of the International Center for Japanese Studies Nichibunken, February to August 2020), and Taiwan (as a Visiting Fellow/Scholar of Taiwan Center for Chinese Studies, 1999 and 2011).  During the summer of 2013, as visiting professor he taught in the Department of Languages and Cultures of Southeast Asia, Asian African Institute, Hamburg University.  He has also served as a lecturer for the Overseas Study Program of Loyola University Chicago in Ho Chi Minh City from 2012 to 2018.  His research interests focus on comparative intellectual history/literature (dealing mainly with East Asian countries, including Vietnam), cultural studies, translation studies, and adaptation studies.  He is also an associate of the Harvard-Yenching Institute.   


  • Modern Vietnamese Culture and Society 
  • Developing Vietnam: History, Environment, and Culture (Connected Course with Dartmouth) 
  • Ethics in Practice: Philosophical Buddhist Ethics 
  • Introduction to Vietnam Studies

Select Publications:  

Books & Book Chapters  

[Editor] Pre-Modern Representative Vietnamese Authors through Modern East Asian Scholars’ Research, Ho Chi Minh City: Vietnam National University in Ho Chi Minh City Press, 2021 (Forthcoming). 

The Shadow Left Behind – Monograph on the Fourteenth-Century Century Painting “The Mahasattva Truc Lam Coming Out of the Mountain 竹林大士出山圖 [Bóng hình để lại – Chuyên đề “Trúc Lâm Đại sĩ xuất sơn đồ”] Monograph of the journal Suoi nguon (Fountainhead), 7/2012. 

Historical and Cultural Translation Studies: The Case of Truyền Kỳ Mạn Lục 傳奇漫錄 [Phien dich hoc lich su – van hoa: Truong hop Truyen Ky Man Luc]Ho Chi Minh City: Vietnam National University in Ho Chi Minh City, 2002. 

A Vietnamese Reading of the Master’s Classic: Phạm Nguyễn Du’s Humble Comments on the Analects – As an Example of Transformative Learning,” in Roland Reichenbach and Duck-Joo Kwakeds. Confucian Perspectives on Learning and Self-Transformation – International and Cross-Disciplinary Approaches, Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2021. 

“The Noble Person and the Revolutionary: Living with Confucian Values in Contemporary Vietnam” in Roger T. Ames and Peter D. Hershock, eds. Confucianisms for a Changing World Cultural Order, Hawaii: University of Hawaii Press, 2018. 

(With Wiebke Denecke) “Shared Literary Heritage in the East Asian Sinographic Sphere” in Wiebke Denecke, Wai-Yee Li, and Xiaofei Tian, eds. The Oxford Handbook of Classical Chinese Literature (1000 BC – 900 CE), Oxford University Press, 2017.  


Traveling Knowledge and Concepts among Early-Twentieth-Century East Asian Nations – The Case of the Tonkin Free School (Đông Kinh Nghĩa Thục 東京義塾). 

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